

Walking around Imperia Garden Site in Preparation for Project Delivery


During summer days in mid-June, Imperia Garden Project Executive Board is completing final stages to finish the project. Hawee has handed over entire B Tower, A, C and D towers are being finished and have started to be handed over to ensure investor’s schedule. It is expected to be handed over entire building of the project and officially put the project into operation around middle of July.

Design team of Imperia Garden Project


Hawee provides main items of M&E systems such as Electrical systems, Extra Low Voltage Systems, Water Supply and Drainage Systems and HVAC systems. The project is being in T&C phase (Test & Commissioning) - the final critical step consisting of a series of partial and interconnected commissioning, adjustment of parameters in accordance with the initial design drawings, repair of existing defects in apartments, technical rooms, stairs and public areas. Up to this point, the systems have basically been finished, leaving the site clean, neat and ready to go into operation.


Ventilation System of B2 Basement


Sound absorption system for the fan room


Cable ladder and tray system


MSB Room


From the office to the construction site, from the Project Executive Board to the workforce on site, meeting schedule is not the reason for them to ignore strict and meticulous control procedures to ensure output quality.


Workers are lifting the air conditioner brackets.


Air conditioning ducts are being finished at the Trade Center


As a result of the efforts of Site Hawee employees, the Imperia Project Executive Board got good news that it is give Diligent Project in May award, which both shows Hawee’s gratitude and encouragement for the restlessness efforts and hard work of the Project Executive Board.


The Imperia Project Executive Board Representative received Diligent Project award.